Resistance occurs in all forms of air transport due to friction which means that overall pressure is reduced in the flow direction. To effect and maintain air transport, pressure has to be increased at some stage to compensate for pressure loss. This is usually achieved in fan systems using radial and axial fans designed to boost air in the direction of the outlet.
A fan’s effect is always based on the actual volume flow through the inlet. If the volume flow is indicated at a temperature different than that of the fan in a given operating situation, it must be corrected.
Motors and fans are usually supplied as a unit. JKF has designed its fans for optimal performance, and it is vital to select the right one for any given task. The speed at which the fan is to run can be seen from the graph for that fan. The power input depends on resistance in the system.
There are many types of an impeller, each of which is designed for a given task:
Has flat backward-inclined blades and is designed for clean air transport.
This type has the following properties:
Has backward-inclined blades and is designed for transport of a range of materials.
This type has the following properties:
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